Third Street Family Health Services Invests in its Future - Richland County Foundation

Third Street Family Health Services Invests in its Future

By Maura Teynor

September 17, 2019

(Photo left to right: Chief Financial Officer Barbara Sullinger, Chief Operations Officer Nicole Williams, and CEO Jared Pollick)

The Third Street Family Health Services established two funds with the Richland County Foundation to help it meet its long-term strategic goals.

TSFHS was originally known as the Third Street Community Clinic when it began in 1994. It is a private, non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center with a mission to provide accessible, quality primary health care to the under-served. The services delivered by TSFHS staff include behavioral health, dental, medical and OB/GYN.

TSFHS believes that the health status of the underserved population can be improved by providing accessible, affordable health care for those in need. People utilizing services at TSFHS have the right to be treated with dignity regardless of life circumstances. It supports people in their efforts to assume responsibility and actively participate in their health care plan.

 “The new funds will make us a stronger organization. They will allow us to acquire the capital needed for new brick and mortar projects,” said TSFHS CEO Jared Pollick.

TSFHS has several locations including its original one on Third Street in Mansfield. Other locations in Mansfield are Cornerstone OB/GYN, 770 Balgreen Drive, and Mansfield Family Health, 270 Sterkel Blvd., along with Hawkins Medical Center, 2131 Park Avenue West, Ontario and Shelby Health and Wellness Center, 31 East Main Street, Shelby.

“I am a big fan of making social improvements to better a neighborhood and a community,” said Pollick. That was the case when TSFHS renovated and gave new life and purpose to the building on East Main Street in Shelby. The organization is looking to expand services into other communities.

Pollick said the new funds at the Foundation will allow him and his senior staff members to talk with funders and donors about new projects.

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