A retired educator makes plans for a scholarship fund - Richland County Foundation

A retired educator makes plans for a scholarship fund

By Maura Teynor

April 1, 2024

(Photo: Deborah Willhelm and Carol Ramsey)

Carol Ramsey and her good friend, Deborah Willhelm, were dedicated educators for 30 years and they were best friends.

Carol taught sixth and seventh-grade science. Deborah taught third grade before she became a guidance counselor and then principal. Both worked at Ontario Local Schools.

Deborah sadly died in 2022 from heart complications.

Carol has been contemplating her estate plan with a financial planner. She decided to set up a scholarship fund upon her death that honors both of their education careers.

The fund will be opened with assets from Carol’s IRA. The scholarship, named the Carol Ramsey and Deborah Willhelm Scholarship Fund, will provide scholarships to Richland County students. The first preference will be given to those students pursuing a scientific degree and the second preference to those pursuing a degree in elementary education.  

Carol will be listed as a Legacy Society member. It is a way to recognize individuals during their lifetime who have made plans to leave a gift to this community in partnership with the Foundation. The gifts may be made through an estate plan, written in a will, including the Foundation as a future beneficiary of an IRA, insurance policy, remainder trust, or other similar planned gifts.

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