Local teachers receive $55,000 in grants - Richland County Foundation

Local teachers receive $55,000 in grants

By Maura Teynor

August 9, 2016

The Richland County Foundation awarded over $55,000 in Teacher Assistance Program grants for the upcoming school year to 55 local teachers for their creative and innovative supplemental programs not covered by school funding.

The grants are given to K-12 teachers in public or private Richland County schools to encourage them to develop new programs, projects, or events for their classrooms.  Grants were given to the following teachers and projects:  

Rebecca Clapp, Geography Books, Clear Fork Butler Elementary 

Jennifer Blackledge, Augmented Reality Application, Crestview High School

Dwight Souder, RC Flight STEM Curriculum, Crestview High School

Melanie Stilson, Spanish Silent Reading Program, Crestview High School

Chris Thompson, Ukulele Program, Crestview Middle School

Cara Pelphrey, Guided Reading Block, Lexington Central Elementary

Michelle Rastetter, Multisensory Program, Lexington Central Elementary

Amy Richwine, STEM Project, Lexington Central Elementary

Pamela Conover, Sustainability Program, Lexington High School

Shelly Knapp, Classroom Reading Area, Lexington Western Elementary 

Stacey Wampler, COSI Generation Rx Lab, Madison High School

Christine Elder, Forensic & Biological Studies, Madison Middle School 

Elleena Cameron, Publish Student Writers, Mansfield Middle School

Joseph Shimek, Why Try Program, Mansfield Middle School

Linda White, Evolution of Gaming Course, Mansfield Senior High

Paul Hawkins, Transitional Reading Materials, Mansfield Senior High

Jonny Sullivan-Price, Beginning Dramatic Arts Props, Mansfield Senior High

Lisa Foley, STEAM Program, Mansfield Malabar Intermediate

Kathryn Toney, Historical Injustice Studies, Mansfield Malabar Intermediate  

Gena Boyd, Phonics First System, Mansfield John Sherman Elementary 

Wendy Doup, Mentor Texts, Mansfield John Sherman Elementary 

Whitney Glorioso, Math Education Materials, Mansfield John Sherman Elementary 

Sherry Vaught, Read Naturally Software, Mansfield John Sherman Elementary  

Margaret Voedisch, Stationary Pedals, Mansfield John Sherman Elementary 

Nancy Niedermier, STEM Program Books, Mansfield Springmill Elementary 

Frankie Munday, LEGO Education Story Starter, Mansfield Woodland Elementary 

Chris Queen, Hands-On Science Materials, Mansfield Woodland Elementary 

Tonya Winningham, LEGO Education Story Starter, Ontario Stingel Elementary 

Heather Fighter, Economy Classroom, Pioneer Career & Technology Center

Kendra Roberts, Readiness Course, Pioneer Career & Technology Center

Deb Rumery, Camp Nuhop, Plymouth-Shiloh Middle School 

Melissa Smart, Learning Palette Materials, Plymouth-Shiloh Elementary 

Tom Lewis, Broadcast News Program, Plymouth-Shiloh High School 

Amanda Green, Literacy Program, Shelby Auburn Elementary 

Nichole Studd, Yoga Reading & Writing Course, Shelby Auburn Elementary 

Linda Durkin, Watercolor Painting Course, Shelby Dowds Elementary

Anne Finn, Literacy & Math Packets, Shelby Dowds Elementary 

Jami Gilger, Kore Wobble Chairs, Shelby Dowds Elementary

Brian Nabors, FINALE Music Software, Shelby High School 

Jill Silva, Environmental Study Materials, Discovery School

Jared Sowash, Math Games, Foundation Academy of Mansfield

Elizabeth Buford, Instruments, Foundation Academy of Mansfield

Cindy Reynolds, Kinder Kids Reading Bags & Book, Mansfield Christian Elementary

Lisa Hughes, Environmental Studies Materials, Mansfield Christian Elementary

Wesley Courser, Online Student Newspaper, Mansfield Christian High School

Tara Gilliam, K’NEX STEM Program, Richland School of Academic Arts

Daniel Jones, HTC Vive Virtual Reality, Richland School of Academic Arts

Grace Larson, Complete English Web Suite, Richland School of Academic Arts

Katelyn Mould, Graphic Novels, Richland School of Academic Arts

Chelsey Talisse, Orff Instrument Program, Richland School of Academic Arts

Angela Vega, Hot Wheels Program, Richland School of Academic Arts

Laura Stine, Dissection Connection, Sacred Heart Catholic School

Donna Strout, Mohican Outdoor School, Shelby St. Mary’s Middle School

Sarah Rizzo, LEGO Education Story Starter, St. Peter’s Elementary

Sandra Rissler, Math Education Materials, Temple Christian


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